The PC-SIG Library 10
The PC-Sig Library - Shareware for the IBM PC and Compatibles (PC-SIG)(Tenth Edition Disks 1-2804)(1991).iso
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Text File
859 lines
Version 1.OO
EGA Required
(C) Copyright 1990
Raymond M. Buti
All Rights Reserved
United Innovations Plus
Post Office Box 21081
Castro Valley, Ca. 94546
(415) 886-0958
This software is distributed as ShareWare. What this means is,
you a granted free license to use, copy and distribute this
software as often as you wish so long as the following
restrictions have been met:
1 - When distributing this software, it must be in its
original unmodified form. The ARCed or Compressed .EXE
version of this software will only be distributed to
Bulletin Board Systems and computer information exchanges,
i.e. The Great American Dream Machine (415)-581-3019, GEnie,
Delphi, The Source, Compuserve etc.
2 - Prior written consent from United Innovations Plus must be
obtained before a fee or charge is made for copying or
distribution, with the exception of the computer information
exchanges as mentioned above.
3 - This software shall not be included with other programs,
goods, services, etc. without prior written consent from
United Innovations Plus with the exception of the computer
information exchanges as mentioned above.
United Innovations Plus requires you to register this software
if you plan on using it. Registered users will receive the
latest version with all options available, full support and
notification of later releases. Please note that not all
options and functions are available with this Shareware
release. To register your copy of this software, please use the
Registration Form and make checks payable to United
Innovations Plus.
TRADEMARKS ................................................. 1
PROGRAMS ON DISK ............................................ 1
PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS ........................................ 1
USING A MOUSE ............................................... 2
THINKING MAN'S SOLITAIRE .................................... 2
PLAYING RULES ............................................... 2
Base Pile Sequence ..................................... 2
STARTING THINKING MAN'S SOLITAIRE ........................... 3
MAIN MENU ................................................... 3
SELECTING OPTIONS ........................................... 3
MAIN OPTIONS ................................................ 4
F1 (Play TMS) .......................................... 4
F3 (Setup Menu) ........................................ 4
F8 (High Scores) ....................................... 4
F10 (Quit to DOS) ...................................... 4
PLAY MENU ................................................... 4
PLAY OPTIONS ................................................ 4
Keyboard .................................................. 4
Arrows (Move Card Pointer) ............................. 4
D (Deal Card to Waste) ................................. 5
W (Place Waste Card at Pointer) ........................ 5
S (Place Stock Card on Base) ........................... 5
F10 (Quit/Return to Main Options) ...................... 5
Mouse ..................................................... 5
SETUP MENU .................................................. 6
- i -
SETUP OPTIONS ............................................... 6
1 (Show Shuffling) .................................... 6
2 (Show Card Movement) ................................ 6
3 (Card Speed) ........................................ 6
4 (Sound) ............................................. 6
5 (Input Device) ...................................... 6
6 (Display Help) ..................................... 7
7 (Save High Scores) .................................. 7
8 (Select Card Colors) ................................ 7
9 (Quit/Return to Main Options) ...................... 7
SCORING ..................................................... 7
SHAREWARE VERSION ........................................... 7
OTHER PROGRAMS .............................................. 8
CASINO/GAMBLING GAMES .................................. 8
SOLITAIRE GAMES ........................................ 8
OTHER GAMES ............................................ 8
UTILITIES ................................................... 8
REGISTRATION FORM ........................................... 9
- ii -
"Microsoft" is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation
"Mouse Systems" is a trademark of Mouse Systems Corporation
The following is list of file names that you should have on your
distribution disk.
File Name File Description
Tms .Exe - The main program for Thinking Man's Solitaire.
TmsDat1 .Inf - Graphics file required by Tms.Exe.
TmsDat2 .Inf - Graphics file required by Tms.Exe.
Tms .Doc - The documentation for Thinking Man's Solitaire.
TmStart .Bat - Batch file to read the documentation, print
the documentation and install Thinking Man's
Solitaire on a Hard Drive.
TmRead .Com - Used by TmStart.Bat
TmReply .Com - Used by TmStart.Bat
TmIntro - Used by TmStart.Bat
TmPrt - Used by TmStart.Bat
TmHd - Used by TmStart.Bat
TmReg - Registration Form
Tms1S .Arc - Shareware Version of Thinking Man's Solitaire.
You must have an IBM PC/XT/AT/PS2 or TRUE compatible, at least
491K of free Ram and an EGA graphics adapter to play
Thinking Man's Solitaire. The files required to play Thinking
Man's Solitaire are TMS.EXE, TMSDAT1.INF and TMSDAT2.INF. These
files must be present on your play disk or directory. Use
the "Copy" command found in your DOS manual for making copies
from one disk to another. A hard disk is recommended but not
- 1 -
If you have a MicroSoft mouse or TRUE compatible with the LATEST
mouse driver, you should have no problems using your mouse with
Thinking Man's Solitaire.
If you are using a Mouse Systems mouse, you obtain the latest
driver from:
Mouse Systems Corporation
47505 Seabridge Drive
Fremont, CA 94538
(415) 656-1117
NOTE: If you decide to use a mouse with Thinking Man's
Solitaire and the computer locks up or you are unable to make
the mouse function properly, USE THE KEYBOARD until you
acquire the latest mouse driver for your mouse.
The game begins by removing four cards from the deck, an Ace,
Deuce, Three and Four, regardless of their suits. These are
your starting base cards. The A, 2, 3 and 4 are placed in a
row, face up, on the top portion of your playing area.
The remaining 48 cards are then shuffled and placed face down on
the table, leaving enough room for an additional card below each
of the four base cards. These will be your stock piles.
The player then removes one card from the deck and places it
face up on a waste pile to right side of the deck. The player
now examines the card and makes a decision on where to play the
card. Play continues in this manner until the game is either
won or there are no other legal plays left.
The object is to build upon each starting Base card in sequence
to the King. Playing cards on the bases are done in sequence
regardless of suits. The following are the guidelines for
building on Bases:
Base Pile Sequence
The Ace Pile plays : A,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,J,Q,K
The Deuce Pile plays : 2,4,6,8,10,Q,A,3,5,7,9,J,K
The Three Pile plays : 3,6,9,Q,2,5,8,J,A,4,7,10,K
The Four Pile plays : 4,8,Q,3,7,J,2,6,10,A,5,9,K
- 2 -
A card dealt from the deck is temporarily placed on the Waste
pile. Top card of the Waste pile may be placed on any Stock
pile at any time. The maximum cards that may be placed on any
Stock pile is 13.
The top card of the Waste pile may also be played on any Base
pile so long as that card is in the proper sequence for the Base
pile it is being placed on (See Base Pile Sequence above).
A Stock card may only be placed on its corresponding top Base
pile (vertically). IE: Stock pile #1 plays only to Base pile #1
(starting card Ace). Stock pile #2 plays only to Base pile #2
(starting card Deuce), etc.
If a player rejects one of those first eight playing options,
the card remains on the Waste pile and another card is dealt
from the deck.
Thinking Man's Solitaire will require some thinking man!
From your DOS prompt, type TMS and press the ENTER key. In a
few seconds you will see the copyright screen appear. The bottom
of the screen will display a message letting you know that the
required images are being loaded from disk. Once the images are
loaded, the message will change and ask you to press the ENTER
key or a mouse button to continue with the game.
The next screen you see will be the main playing area. The left
side of your screen will be the playing area and the right side
will display your current options and game statistics.
The Main Menu will display the following options:
F1 Play TMS
F3 Setup Menu
F8 High Scores
F10 Quit to DOS
If you are using the keyboard, pressing the Function key to the
left of the menu description will activate that function.
If you are using a mouse, you will see a rectangular box
outlining one of the options. Moving the mouse will move the
box to another option. Pressing one of the mouse buttons will
activate the function within the rectangular box.
- 3 -
F1 (Play TMS)
Function 1 or the ENTER key will start the game. When starting
a game, this menu of options will change to Play Options (See
Play Options).
F3 (Setup Menu)
Function 3 will display a new set of options. The Setup Menu
is where you can change the current settings of Thinking
Man's Solitaire (See Setup Options).
F8 (High Scores)
Function 8 will display the top fifteen high scores. High
scores may be saved with the Registered version only (See High
F10 (Quit to DOS)
Function 10 key will return you to your DOS prompt from the Main
Options only.
Selecting Play TMS from the Main Options will bring up the Play
Options Menu. The cards will be shuffled and the starting Base
cards will be dealt out. The following Play Options will be
shown for keyboard play:
Arrows Move Card Pointer
D Deal Card to Waste
W Place Waste Card at Pointer
S Place Stock Card on Base
F10 Quit/Return to Main Options
Arrows (Move Card Pointer)
Moving your arrow keys will move a pointer from the eight card
playing positions; the four Base positions and the four Stock
positions. This pointer should be moved to the position where
you want to place a card or move a card from that pointer
- 4 -
D (Deal Card to Waste)
When pressing the letter D, the top card of the undealt portion
of the deck will be dealt to the Waste pile, face up.
W (Place Waste Card at Pointer)
When pressing the letter W, the top card of the Waste pile will
be moved to the pointer location if it is a valid move. If your
pointer is pointing to a Stock card position and if there are
less than 13 cards in that Stock pack, the Waste card will be
moved that Stock pile. To move the Waste card to one of the
Base piles, place your pointer on the Base pile you wish that
card to go to and press the letter W. The Waste card will move
to that Base pile.
S (Place Stock Card on Base)
When pressing the letter S, whichever Stock pile is in a
vertical line with the pointer, the top Stock card will be moved
to its appropriate Base pile. The pointer may be on the Base
pile or Stock pile when moving a Stock card to a Base pile. The
reason for this is because a Stock card may only move up
vertically to its corresponding Base pile.
F10 (Quit/Return to Main Options)
When pressing the Function 10 key, the playing of the game will
end and you will be returned to your Main Options. You will
also be returned to the Main Options if you have beaten the
When playing Thinking Man's Solitaire with a mouse, just move
your mouse cursor to the Deck and press the Left Button to move
the Deck card to the Waste pile.
Place your mouse cursor on one of the Stock piles and press the
Left Button and your Stock card will be moved to the Base pile
above your cursor.
To move the Waste card, move the mouse cursor to the Waste pile
and press the Left Button. Now move your mouse cursor to the
Stock pile or Base pile where you want the Waste card placed and
again, press the Left Button.
To quit playing the game and return to the Main Options, press
the Right Button.
- 5 -
Pressing Function 3 from the Main Options will bring up the
Setup Menu. Your screen will display the following:
1 Show Shuffling On
2 Show Card Movement On
3 Card Speed 0
4 Sound On
5 Input Device Keyboard
6 Display Help Off
7 Save High Scores Off
8 Select Card Colors
9 Quit/Return to Main Options
To change any of the default settings, press the number
corresponding to the option description. If you are using a
mouse, select the option as described under Play Options
1 (Show Shuffling)
To view the shuffling of the deck, set this option to On. When
set to Off, the shuffling will not be seen.
2 (Show Card Movement)
To view the movement of the cards from one location to another,
set this option to On. When set to Off, card movement will not
be seen.
3 (Card Speed)
You may set the speed of the card movement with this option.
The smaller the number, the faster the card movement. The
minimum setting is 0 and the maximum setting is 20. The card
movement speed will depend largely on the speed of your
computer. You cannot set the card movement speed unless option
2 above is set to On.
4 (Sound)
Selecting the Sound option will toggle the sound off and on.
5 (Input Device)
You Input Device will either be Keyboard or Mouse. The default
setting is Keyboard. Selecting this option will toggle from
Keyboard to Mouse.
- 6 -
6 (Display Help)
If you are not familiar with Thinking Man's Solitaire, you may
wish to set this option to On. When set to On, the next card to
be played on a Base pile will be shown above each Base pile. To
also help you become more familiar with the sequence of each
Base pile, the sequence for the Base pile will be shown above
the playing area. The Base pile sequence shown will depend on
the position of your pointer or mouse cursor.
7 (Save High Scores)
Your scoring may be saved to disk if this option is set to On.
If this option is set to On, you will be asked for your name
when you have finished playing, assuming your score is high
enough for the top 15 scores. Once you have entered your name,
you will not have to enter it again when asked, just press the
ENTER key.
8 (Select Card Colors)
Choosing this option will allow you to select a different card
color. The color of the cards will only effect the card backs.
9 (Quit/Return to Main Options)
To leave the Setup Menu, press the number 9 key. You may also
exit this menu by pressing either the ESC or F10 key. Any
options that have been changed will be saved to disk in the
Registered version of Thinking Man's Solitaire only.
The scoring of Thinking Man's Solitaire will give you 10 points
for each card in the Base piles. Seeing that the first four
Base cards are dealt out for you, your score will start at 40
points. When you have beaten the game your final score will be
52 cards multiplied by 10 for a total of 520 points.
If you are using the "Display Help" from the Setup Menu, your
score will be deducted by 2 points for each move you make. A
card dealt off the Deck to the Waste pile is not considered a
move. A move will be counted only when a card is moved from the
Waste pile or from the Stock pile.
The ShareWare version of Thinking Man's Solitaire will not
save high scores or game statistics. These have been left
available for Registered users only.
- 7 -
* Shareware programs will run on CGA or Monochrome
Monochrome unless otherwise noted.
*Lowball Poker Draw Poker Baccarat
Roulette *Blackjack Connoisseur *Chuck-a-Luck
*Holdem Poker *Knock Poker *Red Dog
*Pyramid *Poker *Osmosis
*Accordion Baker (VGA Only) *Golf
Thinking Man's (EGA)
*SuJu Jigsaw Mania (VGA Only) *Pig
Peg (VGA Only) Fifteen
CDate JMSC (VGA Only)
- 8 -
Registration entitles the user to full support, major
upgrade notifications, discounts on all programs and future
Version 1.OO Registration
Please specify disk size
Registration Fee ( ) 5 1/4" ( ) 3 1/2" $18.OO _______
27 ShareWare Versions ( ) 5 1/4" ( ) 3 1/2" $1O.OO _______
Foreign orders add $ 5.00 _______
Total $ _______
Name _______________________________________________________
Address _______________________________________________________
City _____________________________ St. ______ Zip __________
Computer System ________________________________________________
Where did you acquire this version of Thinking Man's Solitaire
Comments & Suggestions
For our records, please indicate your systems display adapter.
___MONO ___CGA ___EGA ___VGA
United Innovations Plus
Make checks payable to: Post Office Box 21081
Castro Valley, CA 94546
- 9 -